Welcome to Year 4/5!
Hello Year 4/5 and welcome to our class page!
I am so looking forward to helping and being there to support you as you continue on in your journey in faith, hope, love and learning this year :).
On this page, you will find any useful documents and reminders that you may need throughout the year.
Miss Walsh x
Class Information
During the Spring Term we will be having our PE lessons on a Thursday afternoon with our PE coach, Rob.
Homework is to be handed in on a Friday morning and will go back out again on Friday afternoon.
Daily Reading and Spelling
Please bring in your reading diary and spelling book each day.
We also ask that you read at home at least 3 times a week.
Prayer and Liturgy is an essential time at St Paul of the Cross for all of us to gather together, listen to scripture, respond to this through our thoughts and feelings as we go forth taking away a key meaning which will help to guide us through our daily lives.