School Meals
Healthy Snacks
Please support us in making sure that any snack sent in from home are a healthier option such as fruit, cheese, breadsticks etc. Also, please ensure water bottles are filled with water only each day. Toast and drinks are also available from school to purchase on a daily basis.
Snack Prices 2024 -2025
Toast: 30p
Juice: 35p
Milk: 32p
School Meals
School meals are prepared on site in the school's kitchens by our school cook, Mrs Nicola Chappel.
School meals cost £2.60 per day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free school dinner every day.
Should you wish to send your child to school with a packed lunch, please make sure that it has their name and class written on to the bag. We encourage healthy eating at school so please take time to read our school guidance to make sure that your child's packed lunch provides a healthy, balanced meal.