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Welcome to Early Years 

Welcome to Early Years at St Paul of the Cross Catholic Primary School.  We look forward to meeting all our new starers and exisiting nursery and reception children this September. We hope you had a wonderful summer and that the children are excited about the new term ahead .

Your child's learning will be uploaded onto Tapestry. Please upload any learning your child completes when at home. Please also support your child at home by reading daily and supporting them with homework activities which will be linked to our areas of learning in EYFS.

The areas of learning are:

·      communication and language

·      physical development

·      personal, social and emotional development

·      literacy

·      mathematics

·      understanding the world

·      expressive arts and design

I look forward to supporting your child through their learning this year. 

Many Thanks 

Mrs Rachel Steele

Our EYFS Team

The EYFS Unit is led and managed by our experienced team of EYFS specialists.

Mrs Rachel Steele 

Early Years Lead and Class Teacher

Mrs Tracey Bailey

EYFS Teaching Assistant  


EYFS Termly Planning




PE day is on a Friday for Early Years. Please ensure your child wears their PE kit on this day. Children will also be taking part in 'Forest School' activities and allowed outside in the mud pit on a regular basis so please send your child with waterproofs/wellies to keep in school. 

Children to wear school PE kit and trainers for outdoor PE.

Reading books

Please remember that your child needs their reading book and reading diary in school each day. They will be collected in on a Monday and a new book will be sent home.

Remember to read with your child and sign their diary at least 3 times a week. Please also practise  sounds and tricky word rings daily.


Homework will be sent out on a Friday and due back the following Thursday. Homework is optional for Nursery children and they will also recieve a 'Busy Bag' on a Friday to use over the weekend, this needs returning on a Monday please. 


Please could you ensure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled. Any pieces of uniform that are found unnamed will be placed in the Key Stage 1 lost property box.

Please provide a pairof slippers fro children to wear indoors.

Water Bottles 

The children should each bring in a water bottle to school. This should be cleaned and filled at home and taken home each day. Please ensure it is clearly named and contains water only.

Overviews and Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage - Nursery and Reception Class

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We pride ourselves on enhancing our EYFS curriculum with exciting activities including school trips, visitors, animals aswell as giving the children a chance to go to the shop each Friday to buy ingredients to make their our own snacks. We belive exciting texts and resources will bring your child's learning to life and fill them with awe and wonder for ther world around them. 

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